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글쓴이 : Michael Johnson     등록일 : 2013-11-28    조회 : 774    
첨부파일 :

  * 상품명 : (MT503) 6cm 슬림 자동 넥타이
  * 모델명 : MT503-NONE-NONE
  * 회원신장 : 187 (cm) /    회원체중 : 79 (kg)

This is one of those "easy ties" that has a permanent knot that you don't actually have to tie. It's great! The knot looks awesome, it's easy to get on and off, and it is just about the perfect length for me. I'm 6' 2" and it just barely comes down to my belt buckle, so anyone my height or shorter should be fine with this length-wise. Keep in mind, because the knot is permanent, you can't adjust the length at all.

Another awesome theleesshop product!

Also shown in this pic:(HA82-WHITE) Slim Fit Stretchy Camouflage Pattern Patched Long Sleeve Shirt
  [ Next ] Very nice shirt!
  [ Now ] AWESOME TIE!
  [ Prev ] Phenomenal Coat. Amazing Fit. Perfect!!