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글쓴이 : Charles Holm
등록일 : 2013-03-09 조회 : 688
STS fits
* 상품명 : (STS) 반팔 기본 드레스 셔츠
* 모델명 : STS-GRAY-M
* 회원신장 : 5.10 (ft) /
회원체중 : 155 (lbs)
The STS fits great! just like the STL shirts. These are the only shirts I have found that fit close everywhere and do not untuck very much when I raise my arms. Some is due to narrow shoulder cut, some due to the fabric stretch. Now if the fabric stretched both ways - Hint Hint - this would be a perfect shirt for me. And yes I now own about every color of the STL and STS shirts. Would love to see a darker medium purple to match some of my kilts.