글쓴이 : J-M
등록일 : 2013-03-19 조회 : 551
제목 |
Classy and chic |
* 상품명 : 한정수량 세일 (CZ11-NAVY) 남성 슬림핏 공단 패치 더블 카라 드레스 셔츠
* 모델명 : CZ11-NAVY-L |
* 회원신장 : 174 (cm) /
회원체중 : 69 (kg) |
Yet again, I want to thank The Lee's Shop for extremely fast delivery. I ordered on March 11th and got the items today!
My measurements are:
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 69 kg
Chest circumference: 98 cm
I usually wear US M sizes, so I ordered the shirt in size L (US M). I was a bit worried about the size, since sometimes US S sizes from this shop have been better for me. However, you can trust the size guide. It said that the chest half-measurement is 50 cm equaling to 100 cm circumference, which sounded just about right compared to my 98 cm chest. The size L (US M) turned out to be the best possible fit for me!
The shirt is well tailored. The fabric is high-class and the buttons are firmly attached. All in all, the shirt looks really classy and chic, and I'm really happy with it!
Once again, a great shopping experience in The Lee's Shop!