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글쓴이 : Nie Smith     등록일 : 2013-04-29    조회 : 617    
제목  These aren't just men's jackets ;)
첨부파일 :

  * 상품명 : (LCJ4-CHARCOAL) 더리스 남성 슬림핏 투톤 멀티포켓 더블지퍼 후드집업자켓
  * 모델명 : LCJ4-CHARCOAL-M
  * 회원신장 : 6.04 (ft) /    회원체중 : 136 (lbs)

I'm in so much love with this jacket, you don't even know! It's REALLY FREAKIN' SOFT. Seriously. I wore this right out of the bag and it's just so comfy. Like, pajama-grade-cotton comfy. (I totally went to bed in it, because I'm cool like that.)

The top pockets are purely decorative, just fyi, but the bottom pockets make up for that in their hold-ability, don't worry. They're a bit too high for anyone to be able to pull off putting their hands in and posing casually, but you probably aren't looking at the jacket for that it's cool.

It fits me perfectly! - so if you're a girl and wondering if you can pull off wearing something this awesome, the answer is yes. Yes you can. And you should.

And if you're a guy and you're looking at this could look even better in this jacket than I do, you know.
  [ Next ] Fits me perfectly
  [ Now ] These aren't just men's jackets ;)
  [ Prev ] **double post, sorry