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글쓴이 : tracy kohli     등록일 : 2013-12-11    조회 : 763    
제목  r v production

  * 상품명 : (LCJ11-CHARCOAL) 더리스 남성 슬림핏 투톤 더블지퍼 포켓 후드집업자켓
  * 모델명 : LCJ11-CHARCOAL-L
  * 회원신장 : 5/3 (cm) /    회원체중 : 130 (lbs)

i recieved the two orders under the number20131130050235303mc,and was satisfied with the order you can cose that order but waighting for conformation on the other order 20131208005539834mc to see if you had the replacement i picked for the one you didnt have?Iwould realy love a phone number i can use for future orders.
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